Charlene Lanzel at Redbubble

Art Prints, T-shirts, Hats, Mousepads, Coasters, Water Bottles, Stickers, Magnets, Pins, Phone Cases & Skins, Desk Mats, Notebooks, Shower Curtains, Bath Mats, Bedspreads & Duvet Covers, Throw Pillows, Totes, Postcards, Clocks, Mugs and more…

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Charlene Lanzel

Sand Artist | Charlene Lanzel is a world-renowned American sand animation artist, based in Los Angeles, who uses her hands in the sand to create living sand art stories. This is an amazing live performance using sand, a light box and a projector. Charlene creates these fluid story illustrations for large audiences, with an overhead camera instantaneously projecting onto a large screen for audiences in the US and worldwide.

Collage Art